Can Anything Positive Come From a Disrupted Adoptive Placement?

Occasionally (25-45% unscientifically), expectant mothers who first favored adoption decide to parent. Her legitimate choice can emotionally crush prospective adoptive parents (= PAP), more or less, depending on its timing. One of our PAP recently experienced this pain. After getting home from the hospital where she gave birth to a baby girl, a mother who picked the PAP decided to parent her baby girl. This mother gave me her decision and I told the PAP while they were in my office with the baby in their arms. That experience for them was like death. Painful. They are grieving and it [...]

By |2024-07-16T21:10:13+00:00July 16th, 2024|Blog, Family Law|Comments Off on Can Anything Positive Come From a Disrupted Adoptive Placement?

Name Changes in Louisiana

 Who can request that the name of a person younger than eighteen (a minor child) be changed?Both parents of a minor child may agree and request to change their child’s name. Or, if a court has awarded one of the parents sole custody, that parent may ask for permission to change his child’s name. If both parents share legal custody of their child, then both parents must agree to change their child’s name1. Who can request that the name of an adult be changed?Any adult may ask a court to order his name be changed. This adult must have a reasonable [...]

By |2024-06-05T23:52:25+00:00June 6th, 2024|Blog, Family Law|Comments Off on Name Changes in Louisiana

How Does a Non Parent Get Legal Custody?

Our state’s and country’s law stiffly protects the right of a parent (a biological or adoptive mother or father) to custody (the authority to make most decisions and accept responsibility, for a minor) of his or her child. It’s likely the most secure right you enjoy as a US citizen. But this right can be overruled. Just because a person is a parent does not mean that person is behaving as a good parent. Being a parent is a job and performance counts! Good in this context means adequate (based on standards most people generally agree upon)—paying for your child to [...]

By |2024-05-21T14:40:49+00:00May 21st, 2024|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on How Does a Non Parent Get Legal Custody?

Adoption Law in Louisiana

Looking to adopt in Louisiana? Our interview with Todd Gaudin, an adoption attorney in Louisiana, will provide valuable insights into the state's adoption laws, from the legal requirements to the adoption process, what types of adoption are allowed in Louisiana, and how adoption can be handled differently under the law. We cover everything you need to know to start the private adoption process. with Todd: The Adoption Community: Your Method of Private Adoption Matching: Your Adoption Profile: The information contained herein is not to be considered legal advice. We are not attorneys. Should you wish to [...]

By |2023-11-17T19:12:48+00:00July 12th, 2023|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on Adoption Law in Louisiana

E. Clark Gaudin – A Principled Man

This eighty-eight-year-old, "Clark," "E. Clark," "Mr. G," "Dad," "Pops" departed this life on Thursday, March 19, 2020. He was an attorney for over sixty years, graduating from the LSU Law School in 1958. His jobs included father, attorney, and state representative from former District 69. He was born in New Roads, La. to Vida Swindler and Alton Francis Gaudin in 1931. He graduated from LSU in 1952, served briefly in the Army artillery during the Korean War, returned home to deliver pressed clothes for his father who owned and operated New Roads’ Riverside Cleaners. Getting a taste of working for [...]

By |2021-03-25T19:34:56+00:00March 25th, 2021|Blog, Probate|Comments Off on E. Clark Gaudin – A Principled Man

The Adoption Process – What Can I Control?

Written by Laci Richter Adoptive Mom & Author of Refuel Your Wait When my husband and I started the process of adoption, I thought that we were finally in control of building our family.  After years of trying to conceive and unsuccessful medical treatments, we were now going to have control over the outcome. When we started to encounter what I viewed as obstacles or closed doors, I started to work even harder at trying to control situations and timing. In my book, Refuel Your Wait: Find Hope and Overcome Fear While Adopting, I write a lot about my struggles [...]

By |2021-03-18T15:57:54+00:00March 18th, 2021|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on The Adoption Process – What Can I Control?

Conservatorship & Britney Spears

The #FreeBritney movement is producing one of the top trending hash tags based on Britney Spears' controversial Conservatorship case. In 2008, a California Court decided Britney was not right and suspended her ability to make her own decisions about her affairs. It gave authority to another adult, her dad, to control her affairs. Britney, an international pop-princess born in Louisiana, has been subject to this court order, called a Conservatorship, ever since. Is there anything valuable to know about this recent news? Is this a law that only applies to celebrities? Could this happen to you? Is it permanent? What [...]

By |2021-03-15T16:40:36+00:00March 15th, 2021|Blog, Estate Planning|Comments Off on Conservatorship & Britney Spears

Ramblings of a Birth Mom: Adoption Advertising

As a birth mom, I hate adoption advertising. As an adoption professional , I hate adoption advertising. I hate the idea of “targeted marketing” and paid Google ads. The very thought of sitting down and trying to figure out the demographic group I should push a Facebook or Instagram Ad to irks me to my core. Doing this implies that all birth mothers come from the same walk of life and we don’t. But a very wise woman once told me, women are going to place their babies for adoption and they need to find you. I have made it [...]

By |2022-09-06T20:36:19+00:00March 3rd, 2021|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on Ramblings of a Birth Mom: Adoption Advertising

Adoption Tax Credit: Disrupted Adoption

By now, many of you may have learned that a successful placement and adoption of a minor, with the exception of step-parent adoptions, makes you eligible for a 14,000 federal (and in some states, some level of state) income adoption tax credit (in addition to any gross income deductions allowed). A credit reduces the amount of the tax; a deduction reduces the amount of income the tax will be based. What If Our Placement Wasn't Successful? But what if the placement is disrupted? As emotionally devastating as a disruption is, are prospective adoptive couples still eligible for such tax savings? [...]

By |2023-02-20T21:29:52+00:00January 19th, 2021|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on Adoption Tax Credit: Disrupted Adoption

Birth Parent Holiday Gift Guide

The holidays are right around the corner and with that means holiday gift giving. Adoptive parents, you are not obligated to get your child’s birth parents a Christmas gift. BUT (yes, there is a but.) Why wouldn't you at least sign your name to a simple card, just to let them know they're thought of?  As a birth mother, I frequently get asked by adoptive parents what they should get their child’s birth mother for Christmas.  And as much as we all love Christmas cookies, I don’t have a cookie cutter answer to that question. There are so many [...]

By |2023-02-20T21:31:27+00:00December 11th, 2020|Adoption, Blog|Comments Off on Birth Parent Holiday Gift Guide
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